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Mezinárodní vědecká konference České sekce INSEA Výtvarná výchova v interakcích / Art Eduacation in Interactions


Susan M Coles

Manifest InSEA | The InSEA Manifesto

In 2017, as a European Councillor, Susan M Coles took on the important task of initiating an international art education manifesto. The presented video brings out some of the main points of the Manifesto, whose mission is to promote the idea of education through art, to which everyone should have access, regardless of age, nationality or background as the Manifesto emphasises among others.

prof. Arkadiusz Marcinkowski

Wpływ AI na współczesną architekturę wnętrz i edukację | The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Contemporary Interior Design and Education

prof. Andreas Guskos


Fractals. Unvisible Landscapes. 2019–2022.

Fractals exist in the domain of mathematics in many dimensions and they have very complex structures, which are created with the use simple mathematical rules. Observing the examples of fractals and other mathematical formulas in nature, such as e.g. cellular automata, one could get the impression that these abstract rules and structures from the word of mathematics are directly connected with the material reality. Owing to the means of artistic expression and the development of science and technology the range of the universe that we can experience sensually is constantly expanding. In the Fractals. Unvisible landscapes project, fractal spaces found using mutations of various mathematical formulas, logical operations between them and navigation in the generated space are visualized and made available in the form of films, digital prints and 3D prints. During the work on the project an idea emerged that nature is a part of mathematics and by navigating in its space we are discovering unknown territories, analogically as once sailors were discovering new lands by sailing across oceans. The idea expanded my previous concept concerning the layers of life manifestation: Genes, Memes and Technology. The presentations of the cycle are accompanied by the three quotes placed below, which I have found to be close to the context of this project:

“Eternal beauty, not growing and decaying, or waxing and waning; not beautiful in part and ugly in part, not beautiful at one time and ugly at another, nor beautiful in this relation and ugly in that, nor beautiful here and ugly there, nor beautiful to some and ugly to another; nor this beauty will appear like the beauty of a face or hands or anything corporeal, or like a thought or knowledge, or existing in any other being, be it a living thing or earth or the sky or anything else whatever, but a beauty itself constant and eternal” Plato, “The Symposium”

“The mathematical forms of Plato‘s world clearly do not have the same kind of existence as do ordinary physical objects such as tables and chairs. They do not have spatial locations; nor do they exist in time. Objective mathematical notions must be thought as timeless entities and are not to be regarded as being conjured into existence at the moment that they are first humanly perceived.” Roger Penrose, “The Road to Reality. A complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe.”

“Cyberspace is liquid. Liquid cyberspace, liquid architecture, liquid cities. Liquid architecture is more than kinetic architecture, robotic architecture, an architecture of fixed parts and variable links. Liquid architecture is an architecture that breathes, pulses (…) Liquid architecture makes liquid cities, cities that change at the shift of one value, where visitors with different backgrounds see different landmarks, where neighborhoods vary with ideas held in common, and evolve as the ideas mature or dissolve.” Marcos Novak, “Liquid architectures in cyberspace.”


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